Tuesday 20 December 2011

I've decided to look at taking images underwater - so I've borrowed a friends underwater camera (its pretty cool I might invest in one) and I thought I'd give it a go. 
I did plan to go outside to some water - so I'd get the movement within the water... Although I have my second cold this winter already, so I'm thinking it wouldn't help me much. Therefore I decided to experiment in the bath tub (..again) Although if I manage to get his camera again at one point I may have to go outdoors and try and get a couple of shots. 
Before I began taking some pictures I wanted to do some research on other artists who have used similar idea of water......

I found these stunning paintings by Alyssa Monks, fucking amazing paintings! Also love the composition she uses.

I would give my right leg to be able to paint like this.

Saturday 17 December 2011

After my exhibition piece I've decided to still look into the idea of water. I want to explore the theme of deterioration in my work - looking at how water can be used as a tool to deteriorate pieces of work (paintings/images) and also looking at the idea of still behind underwater.

Sunday 4 December 2011

exhibition piece

Although I really liked the idea of the jug as it was smaller in the end I decided to use a different jug - as when it came down to displaying the piece I wasn't sure of how it would look best, so I changed the jug at last minute. I wasn't too confident with this piece even though I decided to show it in the exhibition.. I think it was because its not my usual style of work - even though I wanted to experiment with creating something on a smaller scale and making it more intimate. 
I dont think this worked as well as I would've hoped, I feel as though I rushed making it for the exhibition. I think my piece would've looked better in a darker place - as I added a light in top of the jar to really focus in on the images. Although in the private viewing it was dark outside - so I guess that worked to my advantage. I had a window space in the triangle space, which added a reflection of the piece on the wall making the space seem larger.

I ended up placing the piece on a side table, as I wanted the piece to look almost ornamental. I thought the table showed a relation to Emma Harts work I saw at Matt's Gallery, when she used a tripod. This made the piece seem more visual. I also added a shell on the lower shelf of the table, to make it seem more precious although I thought it distracted from the piece (so did others in the crit)