Thursday 10 May 2012

Louise Bourgeois


I recently went to see Louise Bourgeois' exhibition at the Freud Museum...

I had never been to the Freud Museum, I was shocked at how many of her pieces were actually in the museum - there was even some of her work out into the garden. Its always great when theres more work then you expect. I haven't really looked into Louise Bourgeois' work very much, although I actually loved the exhibition. I thought I had a great range of her work - also displaying her notes and pages from sketchbooks.

The exhibition focused on her relationship with psychoanalysis - after her father died (in 1951). I could see throughout her work how she was influenced with psychoanalysis, as well as this visually I enjoyed her pieces. It really made me want to look into creating my own little bodys or doll like subjects. Which I could hopefully do in the future.

Check it out -  

This above, was actually one of my favourite pieces. As the mirrors meant we could actually see the different angles of the faces - focusing on the idea of perspective. Seeing the pieces at different angles.. really making me want to look and move around the piece investigating the different ways I could actually see it. Also the structure of the piece as a whole has a really contained feel about it. Almost as though the faces are being caged off and are solely just for display (like a zoo animal) although we are confronted to investigated it more and see it from all of the angels available. 

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