Saturday 25 February 2012

I decided to mess around with a latex skin I created last year. I found some limb like objects at Baker st station (used for cleaning up leakage) I decided to place these inside the skin to create an almost body like presence.
I currently have to sit on its lap - Im sure it loves it. 

Thursday 23 February 2012

video by Belgian artist, Wim Delvoye

for some reason I like this. Im not sure why. Its better with the sound down though imo.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Im still shocked by this every time I see this.  Can't believe she was so addicted to plastic surgery that she injected her own face with vegetable oil. Which obviously didn't react very well with her face.
I was thinking if I injected oil in to other things it may have a similar effect of swelling. Perhaps somehow injecting it into meet or into the heart. Im not sure if it'll work but I'll give it a shot (no pun intended ha)

I really want to know which artist this isss
(thank you so much emily!) 
Actually so satisfied that I now know the artist that did this :D 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

I like flesh too much most likely 

I decided to mess around with a heart I managed to get in the butchers. Showing the rawness of flesh and exploring pressure onto flesh. Showing the realness of a heart, as its not beautiful and lovey dovey (especially on valentines day) I would love to see a real heart on a card. 
I also added some hair wrapped around it - as hair is usually used to enhance beauty rather than to apply pressure to flesh. Although I don't think this worked as successfully as I would've liked it to. I had difficulties making the hair tight enough around the heart, so I wasn't able to apply the pressure - messing around with the tone of heart. So I decided to add the elastic bands around it as theyre tigher. This is also similar to what I did to faces. I want to mess around with heart some more though. I was thinking of stitching into it? or something?? 
For now its in my freezer. I know my dog wants me to feed it to her. Thats not gonna happen because its gross. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Ashkan Honarvar

I found an image of this artist on a blog, and feel inlove with his work. Seriously could've posted about 20 pieces of work on here. I dont know why I'm drawn to the work. His more modern work is becoming more commercial and didn't interest me so much, where as his later work is so captivating. I actually liked the collagey ones better than the sculptures on the face. Although the tones and delicateness of the work ontop of the faces have a strong character to them. I think this could work on a large scale messing around with different materials, to create almost growths and deformities. 
Im becoming more drawn to the beauty in ugliness/deforms rather than beauty itself. 'beauty' is too obvious - even though its subjective to opinion

shannon plumb

Hans Bellmer and Unica Zürn

How did I never stumble across Hans Bellmers work like this? Really didn't know he every did anything like this. I'm impressed ha.
I think these have a certain quality to them which really makes them more powerful compared to his other more popular work. Maybe because I'm just coming across them now?