Thursday 29 March 2012

lynda benglis

This piece above reminds me of Mona Hatoums piece as it has that similar relationship to the idea of intestines, although the shape and delicateness makes it appear more like an organ such as the brain. Also the way she has these displayed really shows the depth - as she played with the idea of lighting. 

I stumbled across this american sculptor, who's use work I became really drawn to. She uses wax throughout most of her sculptures, which create an almost natural flow from where it has been melted and almost bled out. These also seem really organic to me - as they seem she's hasn't had that much control over the development of the shape (especially in the last piece) almost as though she's let it grow and hasn't restricted it in anyway.

Also disappointed to realise that I have in fact literally just missed an exhibition! dammit. it looked really great too! (some images above)

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