Wednesday 7 March 2012

Mona Hatoum

When I first saw this piece while I was in Paris, theres something about it which really draws you in. Almost as though you are infact going on a journey - it makes me dont want to divert my eyes from the filming even though it is also kind of cringe worthy as well. Although I though you don't take it in as what it is to begin with (inside the body) as you are just so focused on what is happening, am I going to miss something? etc. Her use of displaying it on the floor also has an almost trancing effect as everyone tends to stand around it just starting into it. 

This piece really reminded me of intestines, as our intestines are so large - its almost although someone has pulled them out to lay them out. although in this piece is has a very delicate beauty to them. The soft lighting which adds to this. 

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