Wednesday 26 September 2012

I recently came across this artist, Asger Carlsen, whos photo manipulations I LOVE. Some of the images to have to 'double take' as your unsure of what they are when you first look at them. I love that quality.
Also on a few of the images I actually thought they were people with deformations although others its pretty obvious but I still got myself going 'omg what?'
Heres some of his images....

Okay so posting these photos I sound crazy saying I thought they were real,.. but honestly theres some more realistic ones. He has a hole load! Really disappointed his books are out of print :(
These have such a sculpture vibe to me (I dont know if I'm saying that right).. but they seem more than just photographs to me.  He also does manipulation with his models eyes too, which Im already interested in editing and changing eyes. Im unsure why I'm so intrigued by eyes I just am. I'm not gonna fight it. 

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