Tuesday 18 September 2012

sometimes accidents are exciting

So I've been pretty rubbish at keeping up to date throughout summer, with working and what not.
Although I thought I'd share some of the stuff I've been look at (not much tbh).
When on holiday, I was messing around with taking panoramic photos on my camera. As these are a layer of three images - they sometimes have bits which are a bit 'wrong' in them. I'm unsure why but I just really loved some of the images I created basically by accident or luck.. which ever way you look at it. They particularly seem to go wrong when there people involved in the images, as the people move - so they end up with limbs missing or gained. I'm not sure if this is relevant to my art practise at the moment. Although I thought I'd post them up here and bare them in mind anyhow.

They almost come across a collage image, or perhaps something which I've edited and blended or something. I think thats why I love them to much though as they've got that randomness about them... almost lack of controlling the outcome. They aren't the strongest images, although I've been looking into cropping them up a bit so its not so clear as they are panoramic images.

These then appear to be usual photos just with only half of the body on display. 

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