Tuesday 22 November 2011

I decided to look into artist who have looked at using books within there work...
 Louise Richardson (above)
I found this piece online and really liked the idea of having something falling out of the book. Also the idea of having it in some form of a display cabinet makes it seem more precious and almost closed off.
 This then led me onto looking into other artists who have looked at similar concepts.

Su Blackwell (above & below)

I really love the contrast in these two artists, Su Blackwells work seems a lot more delicate compared to Louise Richardsons. The method in which Blackwell has displayed hers works so well, she has used the idea of light and shadow to make her work become more of a visual piece.

I think using the idea of having somethign coming out of a book would work really well - as though the idea of  abandonment includes the book - as the images would be leaving the book behind and moving on from this. 

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