Wednesday 4 April 2012


I made these piece of work on site at the gallery space, as I found a few bits and bobs around the place. I painted toilet roll tubes and unrolled them placing them onto this grill which I found outside. I decided to place it with the drain cover, so it would have a relationship with the space - it was also the same shape & size. 

The clingfilm which I painted I had planned to hang up within the space. Although we found this old looking chair which someone had left with in the space and thought it looked better. This also shows more of a presence of the body. 

My fibreglass insulation sculpture in the space. Again was unsure of where to have this positioned although I knew I wanted it to have to option for the viewer to walk around it and investigate it - hoping to have a relationship with the materials.

These are my 'found objects' from Baker street station, I haven't actually posted them on here before (they were inside my latex skin though) I though they reminded me of limbs - similar to Sarah Lucas actually. I decided to place them on the floor underneath a large photograph so they were there for people to be found as I did. 

A photograph of the gallery space with all of our work in it. I think our work all worked really well together actually. Considering we were all so relaxed and didn't really know much about other peoples work.  We all had around 2-5 pieces of work on display as well. Which was a bonus that we had enough work to fill the space. Especially with a space like the Sassoon Gallery, we managed to use the space really well as not everything was just based on walls or the floor, we had different eye levels going on throughout the space. Also using interesting ways to present the work and using objects which we had found on the day when we set up the exhibition. 

As the Gallery space had limited lighting due to the shape, and our private view was happening in the evening we thought it would be best to have some spot lights. These created some really interesting shadows and really added depth to the space. 

Heres some work from the others in the exhibition... 

Maurcee's work: 

Emily's work: 

Anwar's work:

Rosie's work:

Through out the exhibition we had the sound of the trains going over the top of our space. This really added to our theme - the idea of being inside//out. We had some really similar themes, when we was putting the exhibition up we found a really common theme was the use of fleshy tones actually, pinks and oranges in particular. 

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