Monday 23 April 2012

Just had my AL tutorial with Alexis Harding, he was actually really nice - I dont know why I thought that al tutorials were scary ha.

He seemed open to any work I showed him which was nice. Also bought up something which has been brought up before with my work... how I want it to be seen, how I plan to show it for assessment. Showing the real thing is so much better than photos in most cases. Although our studio spaces are pretty small really. Just speaking out loud to someone really helps to find where you are with work. Mixing found objects with created objects... artificial with real. Showing a relationship with the human body, the physical appearance, the involvement with the body to the work. What do I want to achieve?
I do need to not rely on my own space, (stop being acute and sensitive)... book spaces more.

He suggest an exhibition to me, Linda Aloysius. Looking up the work seem really relevant to me. I will definitely be giving it a visit this week!
- my work seems to be leading almost to an abstract manner
- contrasting elements, material/concept
- read up more, looking at artists in depth.
-  process of art, rather than outcome?

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