Thursday 5 April 2012

Exhibition feedback!...

lots of detail, tactile show
finding small significant objects
good use of space - interesting architecture
very little chance to hang things flat on the wall
two small teeth drawings on wall - interesting use of space - only things attached to a flat wall - very small in comparison to the wall space
anwars - powerful, good placement - everything has an active and tactile feel about it apart from anwars work - good surface quality - very compelling, well installed piece in conjunction with the rest of the show - plays with the symmetry of the end wall
the whole thing = very lovely balance between how much it gives you and how much you have to find
useage of lighting = quite professional, makes it feel like a gallery space. interesting shadows cast across the floor and walls and other pieces of work. balance of light destroys the symmetry of the whole space - diagonal angle rather than just lighting up the whole room
nice movement - visual reminders of forms, echos of content
both intimate objects and landscapes can be seen as quite nostalgic - space of the landscape contradicts the intimacy of some of the objects
looks like a stage - the lighting and the table - felt like you should just look into it while standing in the darkness at the end by the bar - it is as like you have to walk into it
feels like the shadows are as much a part of the work as the work itself
anwars piece could have ended up looking as though it had taken centre stage, but has somehow avoided that and feels integral
almost seems like a big toy chest - the objects and the architecture combined
the far wall - almost like jesus on the cross and the thieves / murderers either side
crack in the floor leads your eye
absence of people in the landscapes in contrast with the intense human presence (flesh, documentation etc) in the other pieces - no actual bodies, only heads and flesh etc - piees of people
nickys sculpture - quite fleshy - almost a dangerous material, quite fragile - unsure as to whether it would be damp or dry to touch - looks soft but is actually not pleasant to touch
maureece - the fabric adds depth to the image - was lost on the white wall, wanted it higher than the other piece so experimented with ways of hanging - almost like the idea of trying to make a frame that is so infinitive - created a space around it shows an attempt to frame - is it a set of paintings or an installation? the relationship with what was pure image changes. the bricks used with the other pieces echos the stonework of the architecture. the paintings almost look like they have been painted on oxidised metal
use of found objects from the courtyard shows a strong response to the space and the show title - fundamentally changed the work , for the viewer it becomes an integral part of the work
some of the things in here didnt exist at all until we got here - responding to the space, has only existed here
will make us think about utilising a space in the future
trying to understand a space and learning how to adapt to a certain space and shape
forced to come up with a solution of having very little flat wall space
key theme we found was space - topological relationship
engaged within the work and physically within space
very strong and colour link with colour
srong sense of the work being pulled down and grounded - something to do with the shape of the space? feel of tension of gravity on the work
maureece - one work feels tied down, the other feels a lot freer. feels a lot free-er when viewed from the front in the light
nickys chair - felt quite heavy
anwar's 'beautiful image being held down by rocks' - wire pulling it down
suspended - tonally light and physically light. could have suspended everything, making it light and airy, but seems like not all the work is not light and floaty but some are being pulled down and grounded
rosies painting - feels quite corpse like but that could be to do with the other bodily objects
overall character of the show - important sense of gravity, islands of occupation that have significance to somebody - strong sense of attachment - both with objects and the time passed
increase sense of connection and discovery
rosies collages - feels like a separate area - feels like an after thought but there is a lot to move through with them - almost missed them and had a sense of relief when you found them
a lot of the pieces link to this idea of discovery and finding - what you miss and what you find rather than playing out a coherent narrative
nickys sculpture - almost inviting people to spend time with the work rather than just pass by it - contemplate it, investigate it
(average time people spend looking at a painting is 40 seconds)
could have had a barrier and prevented people to enter the lit space, only look into it, making them want to explore it

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